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The Majestic Creatures in Horses

Оценить эту Статью Horse games continue to depict and focus on the sheer magnificence and grandeur of these humble creatures and sometimes even extending their illustrations and capacities beyond earthly norms. Why are we so passionate about these games and these creatures? Онлайн игры Лошади - The Majestic Creatures in Horses

Powerful, affectionate, lovely, beautiful, elegant, graceful, proud are just but a few words that come up whenever we speak about horses. From the time they have been honed by man, we have been captivated by their sheer prowess, and capacity that is simply unrivaled.

Through the years of PC and console gaming, a lot of game titles have been published bearing plots or gameplays relevant to horse breeding, horse riding, professional equestrian simulation, and the likes. And for what reason? Generally, there are two probable reasons. Fascination and Inspiration.


It will probably be best to cite some real world facts as testament that these creatures inspire us. Horsepower (hp) for example is a basic term used to describe the rendered power from an engine or any motor driven appliance or equipment. More or less, we have been used to hear, or at least encountered this unit of measurement once or twice (albeit cars and aircons). Apparently, this term doesn't stray far from its actual definitive meaning - originally comparing the total output power of a motor to the literal multitudes of "live" work horses. A unit of measurement inspired by the sheer magnitude of drive and power that horses perfectly exemplify.

And then there are those eloquent advertisements, brands, or signifying emblems that are tied to promote similarities to this creature's physique, form, and power. A simple proof to our –


Mustang for example, is a world renowned powerhouse of a car by ford motors - carries out not only a familiar name, but also bearing a horse on a full stride for an emblem. Same goes for the emblems found on similar top of the line cars like Porsche and Ferrari. Ultimately, they share the same goal of portraying the sheer prowess of these creatures – inclined to compare with their vehicle performances.

More so, some signature brands also ties their dedication for glamour with logos portraying the elegance of horses. Brands like Ralph Lauren, Burberry, Levi Strauss, and Longchamp to name a few, features horse/s in their signifying logos to render a sense of beauty, force, and even the durability of their line-up of products.

To conclude, succeeding any of these two probable reasons might be the answer why we tend to play and be passionate about these horse games in general. Over the years, they became popular among a huge stretch of gamers. From the simplest trading cards games to the complex simulation games, came in the huge collection of interesting titles to be filled-in that should easily suit any preference. Ranging from the different types of play, varieties of genres and mechanics, the choice and detail of graphic presentation (may it be in 3D or 2D), and many more factors. But the real score is that whatever game it may be, you may have been lured-in to play because it simply relates to horses.

The point is, that horses stand out not only as four legged mammals coursing the face of the earth, neither just logos for your cars and shirts, but as powerful and awe-inspiring majestic creatures. In one way or another, they have been tangled in our lives – from brands, terms, trades, unassuming comparisons, and even games - fortifying a deeper respect and passion for these amazing creatures.

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