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Get Your Game Reviewed on the PiKoYa Network

Oceń ten Artykuł Curious about what is it that we do here? Well, let me assure you – it’s not all fun and games... game reviewing is a serious business! Gry Konne Online - Get Your Game Reviewed on the PiKoYa Network

After the not-exactly-brief introduction to the PiKoYa Games Network, we would like to introduce to you what we do for a living. As you may know from our previous article, A Peek Behind the Curtains: The PiKoYa Games Network, PiKoYa Content is the “department”, so to speak, that supplies the network with fresh content every day.

What we do on pretty much a daily basis is to search up popular and/or interesting games and get them reviewed as quickly as we can. Now, I’ve used the “and/or” here since sometimes both adjectives are mutually exclusive when it comes to describing a game. Why is this so? Well, for starters, I’ve personally have reviewed interesting games developed from indie developers which I truly think people should know more about. However, due to being indie, they don’t exactly have the budget to really put their games “out there”.

And... this is exactly where we can help! Regardless of whether your company produces triple A games or indie games, we are willing to help you review your game and to push your game into the spotlight. It doesn’t really matter which type of games your company produces either since the PiKoYa Games Network is consisted of a variety of sites, each covering a specific gaming niche. Due to our rather expansive network of game sites, it’s not surprising that we’ve accumulated quite large number, as well as diverse, gamer/audience over the years.

We have also shown strong support to our fellow indie developers over the years and this is especially prominent when it comes to our special Kickstarter blog series on WWGDB. In fact, we’ve just recently published a blog post for Robonauts. It’s an amazing and innovative arcade game that will have you hopping from planet to planet while trick-shooting aliens of all shapes and sizes. Not to mention, being indie developers ourselves – check out our casual mobile game, Icy Run, we understand how hard it is for an unknown developer to get his or her game noticed by the general public.

Although we are willing to help developers review their games, we are still responsible to provide honest reviews to our readers. We do not compromise our standards when it comes to reviews, but we have the sense to keep an open-mind and to accept the hard fact that games that a portion of gamers dislike might just be the type of games another group of gamers may enjoy. That being said, if there are inexcusable problems with a game, such as major game-breaking bugs or ridiculous pay-to-win features, we will not shy away from stating them in our reviews.

Icy Run gameplay

After all, there is no such thing as bad publicity, as long as the developers are able to respond well to constructive criticism, modify their games based on feedback that they get and come back stronger than before. We have always welcomed input from developers whose games we review. There’s even a time when a developer contacted us to update our review of their game because they have done a massive overhaul for the game and would like another chance at getting a good enough review. We have even helped countless game developers and companies by providing some tips/ feedback for their games, considering that we have tons of experience from reviewing so many games (and of different genres too).

Furthermore, we have also helped companies, such as Plinga, to publish exciting news about their games on our sites, which is pretty much a win-win situation because our readers will be able to be among the first few to participate in a time-limited event, for example; or to grab a free gift code. When it comes to giveaways, we have worked with GTArcade/ Youzu Interactive of popular MMO games like League of Angels 2 and their latest mobile MMORPG, Legacy of Discord: Furious Wings; as well as the company behind Survarium, Vostok Games. We even have a graphics team in the company that is always ready to help out with creatives, such as banners and the like.

If you happen to be a game developer who is looking to promote your game, perhaps you would be interested to send us an email via our contact form. However, if you have a marketing budget, there’s another part of the PiKoYa family - PiKoYa Advertising - that you might be interested in as well. Our “siblings” in the other office are pros when it comes to acquiring users for your games. They specialize in attracting quality users via a variety of traffic sources, including Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Pops, Intext and Video. As they are true believers of closely collaborating with their clients, they will help you with the marketing services that you need while guiding you every step of the way.

So, are you interested or do you know a friend who would like to market their game? If so, you can contact us by heading over to Contact Us on the PiKoYa website, or you could forward our details to your friends and get them to directly contact us instead.

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