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Free Horse Riding Games

Valuta questo Articolo Riding horses is fun, and in many games you have the option to go out on horseback, but in this list we bring you the games where you can do this for free. Giochi di Cavalli Online - Free Horse Riding Games

In this article we will bring you 5 of the best free horse riding games, where you can take your own beautiful animals out for a walk or run. By definition these games let you look after and then take out your horses and there are lots of different kinds, from casual fun games to those with competitions or story based themes to complete.

In almost every case these games come to you in stunning 3D graphics and are pretty realistic. Trying to recreate the feeling as closely as they can to the real world. Letting you explore beautiful places and spend quality time with your friends enjoying these locations and discovering new places to take your horses.

With Star Stable there is an entire world for you to ride around in. With a series of stories set in the magical horse world of Jorvik you are able to pick from a range of breeds and fill up your personal stable with a lot of different animals. Once you have them you can then go out, follow quests and have fun with lots of other players and discover this stunning game.

Riding Club is a more competitive game, where you can pick a horse and then enter into showjumping competitions. With some truly stunning graphics and the option to play casually or try to top the world rankings there is something for every level of player. You also have the option to create your own courses to share with your friends.

Second Life is a place that does exactly what its name implies, creates a world that is as close to ours as posible, but it has a touch of the imagination too and you can create a character and then do pretty much anything. From looking after a single horse to managing your own ranch there is nothing you can’t do, and you can even create your own horses too.

For a more social game IMVU is a plce that creates unique islands that you can visit and own. In these places there is the option to make anything place you want from sunny beaches to lush forests. Of course you also have a huge range of real breeds of horses to choose from as well and you can make your own paradise or just wander around the islands created by others from the back of your horse.

Club Pony Pals is set in the town of Wiggins, just like the books and here you can ride your horses around, complete quests and meet all of the characters you want to. As well as making new friends and sharing the game with lots of other people you can see it all from horseback.

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