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4 Games Where Your Horse is Your Closest Companion

Ohodnotit tento Článek Horses in many video games today may act as your closest and most valuable companion. Let’s look at some games where a loyal steed is both a friend and a lifeline. Koňské online hry - 4 Games Where Your Horse is Your Closest Companion

Horses are not just incredible companions in real life but also in a variety of video games. Sure, we’ve played various games where we raise loyal steeds and ride them in races. However, what about open-world adventures where things are a little serious?

In the games listed below, your horses will be your primary means of transportation, and your relationship with them will be tested in life-threatening situations. More importantly, they may also end up being your closest companion.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Hunting with horses in Red Dead Redemption 2

Set in the untamed final frontiers of the United States’ western part, horses are an everyday sight in Red Dead Redemption 2. The adventures of Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang happened in an era before automobiles, so steeds are the first choice for getting around.

As Arthur, you’ll end up bonding with several horses, depending on how many of them you’ll end up acquiring. Not only will you bond with them while riding, but you also engage in activities like feeding them with treats, giving them tonics, and cleaning them up with a brush. Moreover, you’ll also get to ride them in combat, especially during high-speed train chases and in capturing criminals. Plus, you’ll also need them in performing menial chores, especially when going hunting to secure food for the camp.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Horses in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Set in 15th-century Bohemia in the modern-day Czech Republic, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is undoubtedly one of the most historically-accurate, challenging, yet fun western RPGs to date. You’ll play as Henry, a blacksmith’s son, and you’ll go through a captivating tale of war, love, and late medieval politics.

You’ll explore a region in Bohemia. Apart from castles, monasteries, and walled towns, you’ll get up close and personal with vast plains and lush forests with enemies behind the bushes. Though you can explore by foot, we recommend doing so via a horse. You’ll get one for free as you progress or buy a new steed from the stables at Neuhof or Merjohed.

The Witcher III

Roach and Geralt in The Witcher III

The Continent, with all its wars and monster infestation-related problems, is a rather dangerous place even for a Witcher like Geralt of Rivia. To safely traverse the swampy lands of Temeria and rugged cliffs of Skellige, Roach is your best friend. This loyal mare will help you go around just everywhere and even help you in battle, provided she isn’t spooked too much.

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Cavalry charge in Bannerlord

Apart from your companions and clan members, your horse is your best friend in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. You’ll ride them into battle and do the same when you’re on the world map and visiting villages. To ensure your chosen mount won’t fall in combat, you’ll have to equip them with better armor and saddles. Imagine being defeated in battle and trying to flee without your horse.

All in all, horses in the abovementioned games undoubtedly play a vital role in making your adventures a smooth one. They are close companions that will ensure your survival, especially when trying to escape enemies trying to hunt you down or if you’re fighting a particularly devastating foe.

So, what do you think? Are there more games out there where a horse can be your best friend?

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