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Top 5 Horse Racing Games of All Time on Mobile

Rate this Article There are currently lots of exceptional horse racing games available on the mobile platform and, in this article, we’ve listed the five very best mobile-based horse racing games that we’ve played over the years. Horse Games Online - Top 5 Horse Racing Games of All Time on Mobile

Out of the multitudes of different horse games available on the mobile platform, racing games are no doubt among the most enjoyable as they provide an exciting and thrilling gameplay experience in which there’s rarely ever a dull moment. The games we’ve picked out in this list perfectly embody everything that defines a high-end horse racing games and we’re certain that each one of them is more than capable of having you hooked for countless hours.

1: Photo Finish Horse Racing

Photo Finish Horse Racing is a spectacular horse racing game in which you’ll get to train your very own horse and race in various different circuits. The racing mechanics in this game are fairly straightforward and the variety of ways through which you can train your horse is incredibly as well. It’s also worth highlighting that the game consists of full-fledged tournaments that you can participate in for a truly competitive experience.

2: Rival Stars Horse Racing

Rival Stars Horse Racing is a truly exceptional game that delivers on absolutely every single front. Alongside being a treat to look at, the game features thrilling and highly fast-paced races, lots of ways to train your horse and some incredibly realistic racing mechanics which revolve around a delicate balancing act of speed and stamina.

3: Horse Racing 3D

Horse Racing 3D executes the fundamentals of horse racing with absolute perfection but what makes this game truly worthwhile is its insane content variety. Not only does the game come with various kinds of horses for you to acquire and train for races, there are also loads of different competitive events for you to participate in as you progress through it.

4: Horse Academy

If you want to play a truly feature rich horse racing game, Horse Academy should definitely appeal to you. This is a game that not only comes with some absolutely spectacular horse racing gameplay but also features a variety of other exciting elements like the ability to breed horses and run your very own ranch as you progress through the game.

5: Horse Racing Champion

Horse Racing Champion isn’t like most games on this list as it features an endless runner style design but, nonetheless, it’s still worth checking out thanks to its fast-paced gameplay, vibrant visuals and stellar overall design. If you want a horse racing game that doesn’t focus on the competitive aspect that much, Horse Racing Champion is definitely a worthwhile choice that we recommend looking into.

All said and done, the aforementioned games are no doubt some of the very best horse racing games available on the mobile platform and, needless to say, we recommend checking them out if you ever get the chance.

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