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Games like Howrse

Rate this Article Howrse is one of the most popular horse simulation games around but there are a few more on Horse Plains that are also a lot of fun to play. Horse Games Online - Games like Howrse

In this article we will be bringing you a list of other games that give you some of the options you have in Howrse, but they also have their own unique touches and feel that make them brilliant to play. All of these games can be found in our Games like Howrse List if you are looking for something new to enjoy.

You may be asking yourself what a simulation game is, and in a nutshell they are games that give you the opportunity to own and look after a lot of horses at once. While they rely on text a lot more than the graphics they still have some beautiful artwork and there is a depth to these games you can’t find anywhere else.

There are many different parts to this style of horse game and in each you can do something different, from breeding and training to entering competitions and winning trophies. All of the features of the game are accessed through a central menu and from here you can manage every aspect of your stables and horses to make sure that you are getting the best and most out of what you do.

Horse Eden is a game that focuses on the more competitive side of horses and allows you to create a stable full of award winning breeds and winners. The more you train and work with your animals the more variety of events you can take part in and the greater the rewards you can earn for yourself and the staff who help you manage your stables.

With Horzer you have one of the most complete experiences you can imaging, here you manage everything from the food and grooming to their studding and everything in between. With the ability to step in and out of the game and not miss anything it has a real appeal for the more casual player and you can still get so much out of the game even if you don’t have much time.

For one of the best breeding experiences take a look at Equine Ranch where they have information on over 200 different types of horse, and before you make a selection you can see their entire history laid out, if they are a competition horse what they have won and hat their statistics are. Added into this is a very active community of breeders that gives a complete game from start to finish.

My Stable gives you the unique ability to go out and try to find wild horses that you can try to break in and train. This feature really helps bring the game to life and the random element of breed and statistics make it a very interesting and enjoyable experience.

Little Horses is a Facebook game that birngs you a simple idea in a fun way and lets you take care of some pretty cute horses at the same time. With a network of players climbing into the millions there are a lot of people to share the game with and it creates a friendly atmosphere.

Want to find and play more games like the ones you know and love? Drop by now!

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