Woohoo, we now have 500 games on our new site! If you're looking for an alternative game, you'll definitely love our relatively new website, Find Games Like. For those of you who have just heard of this site, it's a website where you can easily search for other similar games by looking up the games you have enjoyed before. The accurate algorithm on the site will help you group together games that are similar to the one you seek into a single convenient list. You can then go through them and possibly find your next favorite game.
The site is very easily to use, really. You can search for a game - My Horse, for example - using the search box, or you could simply click on a genre, like Simulation, or a label, like Horse, that interests you and see what sort of games you'll be given to choose from. Each game on our site has its own short review that is intended to give you a brief and concise idea of what the game is all about as well!
So, if you have a game you'll want to find alternative games for, feel free to head over to Find Games Like now and check it out!